Saturday, December 27, 2014

Family Business Coach Training

Are you CALLED to empower the lives of families through economic and social development? Say what? I thought this was just another coaching program. No!

I'm looking to work with you if one word summaries your work inside the home, at your job, in business, in the community, or all of the above...that word is:


Let me also put your mind at ease upfront:
  • I am not a network marketing company
  • I don't enroll you or others into any particular business
  • My background includes being an attorney, small business development consultant, teacher, advisor, board and commission member and more...
In one sentence, we (that's your family, mine and the other families we link arms with) want to:

Transform families through entrepreneurship worldwide...
(Click Read More below)

How will we do that? By:
  • Small group training (I help you run these until you're ready to do them alone)
  • 1:1 coaching (same as above)
  • Training events (live seminars, webinars, Google Hangouts and more)
  • Radio programs (be a guest, produce a show, host a show...)
  • Television programs (be a guest, produce a show, host a show...)
  • Books (write a book as part of a series we're launching in 2015)
  • Mobile Apps (co-develop or develop an app for our group to purchase)
  • And more...
Think of this business as:
  • A social business, or
  • A Kingdom business, or
  • What doing good looks like
I don't expect to convince you of anything. I'm giving you a vehicle if you've already been called. You and the individuals and families you help will learn and grow TOGETHER. This will challenge you to do good works. Lots of it.

Are you in?

To join, please apply. If accepted, the investment is $40.00 which includes a leaders's guide and participant's guide that you will use to help families start a family business. As a reward for helping families, you split any and all commissions (50/50) on additional books, video resources, training events, consulting programs and many other items that participants you help enroll in.

You guessed it, I view this as a partnership. 

As a coach, you will receive 1:1 and group training to help you, help others. You can be the hero of your community.

"Family Business" used to be the norm in many cultures. Family business owners created jobs and wealth for the community, and when they were economically and socially empowered, they impacted policies and laws to build their communities. 

No matter where you are in the world, you can restore families to their rightful place in society.

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