Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Aging in Idaho: Who You Really Are

The quest for discovering who you are is often left to those who need to make decisions about marriage, family or career. The assumption is that once you overcome an “inevitable” mid-life crisis, you find yourself. I’m not quite sure what the cut off age is in most people’s minds. Do you magically know who you are at age 50? Does the search for “self” stop once you start collecting social security benefits or retire?

I believe that knowing who you are is a process that continues until you no longer have the physical, emotional or spiritual capacity to do the work. Some seniors avoid this work because it’s too painful or other issues seem more urgent. The process may require forgiveness, healing and confrontation. It’s worth paying the price to know who you really are. It’s critical to building legacy and to ensure that you maximize the gifts and talents you’ve been blessed with, especially in your golden years.
Read more about who you really are

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