Saturday, January 24, 2015

Entrepreneurship Education Project: Interview a Business Owner

Click "Read More" to get the details and explanation of this project:

The details of this project are below. First, let me introduce you to one of the best ways to grow your family business and entrepreneurship skills:
A Training Rewards Membership is your VIP pass 
to the best entrepreneurship training in the industry!
  • Online Video Classes that you can take ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, ACROSS ANY DEVICE
  • Build your business skills when it's convenient for you
  • Earn professional credits and certification

 Interview a Business Owner Project Details:

The benefits of this project are two fold:
  •  Practice and improve communication skills with those in the business community
  •  Learn tips and secrets to success in an industry
Your success in life and business will depend on your ability to network. The process of identifying and booking an interview with a business owner helps you to build your networking and communication skills.

Here are some video, audio and readings to help each family member prepare to interview a business owner:




  • Draft 20 interview questions
  • Research interviewee and list important facts 
  • Create a video or audio recording of the interview
Share parts of your project below. I'll be happy to answer the questions that you leave in the comments.   

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